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Biofield therapy: definition, how it works, benefits, and more

Tabitha • Jun 10, 2024

How does biofield therapy work?

Biofield Therapy uses electromagnetic information (oscillations) emitted by the body. This smart technology processes these signals by amplification, attenuation, inversion, and/or splitting the harmonious occultations from the non-harmonious ones. After the signal is processed, it is sent back to the body. This innovative process has a powerful impact on the body's regulatory system, stimulating therapeutic reactions.

A uniquely holistic practice

Biofield Therapy technology uses the body's own healing signals as its primary mode of therapy for highly individualized application instead of technically generated frequencies. While technologically generated frequency devices are common, they are by necessity a more generalized type of therapy.

Biofield Therapy technology is a revolutionary concept that tailors its therapy to match the needs of the individual precisely. What is understood as the body's “energy field” AKA biofield is really a highly dynamic and responsive collection of synchronized communication signals and information exchanges that makes up the body's energetic regulatory system. The Biofield Therapy device is able to “pick up” these frequency patterns and use them to create a therapeutic signal which when fed back into a person's body can remove imbalances and blockages in the person's regulatory system as well as that of the vital energy flow (chi) that invigorates and animates all the cells of our bodies, from head to toe.

The technology explained

Inside the Biofield Therapy device is a special biological filter that separates the harmonious, healthy frequency patterns from the dis-harmonious, disruptive ones. After the frequency patterns coming from the body are separated into harmonious and disharmonious streams the Biofield Therapy device can further process the signal streams.  The signal streams are always inverted so that when reintroduced into the body they will cancel out the disruptive effects of their original native cells the period the harmonious signals are however amplified so that they will strengthen the original already healthy ones.

Smart Wellness technology for healthier you 

Biofield Therapy offers a holistic approach to remedy a wide range of common lifestyle issues, customizable to a person’s individual needs. Our wellness technology supports any kind of body structure or function, including both the emotional and mental states, providing wellness care at its greatest potential. It helps people feel healthy by reestablishing the sense of vitality of mind and body.

Biofield Therapy technology works by resolving “blocks” and imbalances within your energetic field so that the vital energy can flow again, unhindered to all reaches of the body, and real wellness can take place. This unique and novel approach has often had effective results where other more conventional methods have not delivered adequate outcomes.

So what is Biofield therapy used for?

Emotional wellbeing

Biofield therapy balances emotions by reducing stress and worries while promoting relaxation and better, more restful sleep. It also reduces moodiness and mood swings, unhealthy negative outlooks, and habits. Modern medicine counts over 21 million Americans suffering from some form of depression or anxiety. By the resolved issues, the emotional traumas, negative emotions, beliefs, and fears can be harmonized or eliminated with biofuel therapy emotional balancing applications.

Fatigue stress relief, sleep support 

Biofield therapy can help alleviate mental stress, a predicament affecting more people than ever before. Harmonization of the adrenals reduces a person's stress level and also helps improve sleep patterns.

Physical discomfort

Biofield therapy can unblock and balance the flow of energy to help reduce the sensation of discomfort and deliver relief.  It can also help improve physical capacity, endurance, strength, and mobility in combination with chiropractic care.

Immune support and sensitivities

Biofield therapy helps strengthen the immune system which helps to resist many potential environmental stressors, most commonly occurring seasonally, but also related to our indoor environments, pets, pollution, and even the weather. Biofield therapy can help support the body to reduce symptoms and alleviate reactions to indoor and/or outdoor activities.

Food sensitivities

Biofield therapy helps identify and eliminate food sensitivities with practically no abstinence. Our experience has shown that food sensitivities can be the source of many common digestion issues such as transient constipation, bloating, and stomach discomfort. Many other seemingly unrelated issues can also be reduced or cleared by our sensitivity elimination protocol.  How can biofield therapy address food sensitivities and intestinal upset? We remove the body's record for them forever being a threat with the inverted frequency patterns of their energy signatures. After the therapy the person will no longer react or will have a much more diminished response. Conventional protocols usually require costly and time-consuming tests. They also require you to avoid many of your favorite foods for at least six months and possibly over a year. With biofield technology, we typically only need four to six weekly treatments. All we typically ask people to avoid is sugar and white flour products while receiving the therapy.

Whole body detox

The human body, the cells of its organs and tissues, is best detoxified energetically. The harmful effects of the pollutants (i.e. radiation, heavy metals, toxins in the air, water, food, and personal products we use can accumulate over time and cause harmful blockages within our bodies energy distribution networks.  Detoxifying the body on the energetic level restores the flow of energy and all of the body’s tissues, unblocking the lymph, meridians, and energy centers. Once the flow is restored, the organs, tissues, and systems are once again given ample amounts of vital energy to function properly. There are programs for targeted detox support addressing specific organs of elimination individually such as the liver, kidney, lungs, and digestive tract to help neutralize the effects on these organs from harmful energetic imprints associated with the toxins they must process.

By Karl Garbart 28 Jun, 2024
The impact of technology on neck health In this ever-changing world that we are living in we spend more time on our cell phones, computers, and tablets. Most studies have shown us that the average person spends at least 4 hours looking at one of these devices. When thinking about that, that almost equals 1400 hours per year. So what that means is that while we are looking at our emails, our text or catching up on the latest news we are unconsciously putting extra strain on our necks. That extra strain we are putting on our necks is called text neck. This problem of text neck has been affecting millions of people since the development of these devices. The term tax neck was first used by doctor Dean Fishman who was a chiropractor who first recognized this condition and tried to figure out what we need to do to fix this problem. In this article we're going to go over some of the problems and the corrections for this condition known as text neck. The cervical spine: the foundation of neck health First, to understand the problem of text neck, we need to learn a little bit about the cervical spine which is also called your neck. Your cervical spine is made-up of seven small vertebrae, and they are the most flexible, movable, and most important vertebra in your spine. The way the neck is set up allows your head to move up and down and side to side. Your cervical spine or your neck has a natural curve in it that curves towards the front of the body, this is what we call a natural lordotic curve. Not only is this important for the curve of your cervical spine but it also contributes to the curve of your thoracic or chest area part of your spine. Since your spine is so flexible it is prone to pain and damage. This is why the doctors at Trident Health and Chiropractic advise people to have their spine checked, especially if they have a job or just like to be on their computers and phones. What is text neck? Now that we know a little bit about the spine let's talk about what text neck is. Basically, the term text neck describes the pain and discomfort in your neck that is caused by constantly looking in a downward direction. By staring at our phones, tablets, computers or any other devices that downward direction causes our neck muscles to strain or to weaken which in turn decreases the natural curve of our spine. Now do not get this confused with just glancing down at your phone to check something that is not what I'm talking about I am talking about spending hours on your phone night after night day after day. Now this term text neck may be new to you, but I guarantee you have experienced. After gazing down at a game too long or reading a long text message or hours of emailing what were simply watching TV on your phone and when you pick your head up you notice that dull ache or that pain in your neck then you have experienced text neck. Some studies have shown us that the weight carried down the spine increases by 10 lbs. For every inch you hold your head down. So, what that means is every inch that we move our head away from center line it increases the force we put on our spine by 10 pounds. When we constantly hold our head down, we decrease the space in the front of the neck and increase the space in the back which can lead to bulging of the disc and weakening of the neck muscles which then this results in muscle strain soreness in the back of the neck and neck dysfunction.
By Kyle Garbart 17 May, 2024
What are the common causes of back pain? Muscle or ligament strain. This can be caused by repeated heavy lifting, sudden jerking motion, or an awkward movement that can cause strain on the back muscles and spinal ligaments. This can be prevalent in people that are not in top physical condition due to constant strain that is placed on the back. This can lead to painful muscle spasms. Bulging or ruptured disks. Vertebral disks are the cushions between the bones in the spine. There is soft material inside a disk that bulges or ruptures that can press on the nerve, which in turn causes dysfunction or pain. However, this does not mean that every bulging or ruptured disk will cause back pain. Simple diagnostic tests such as spinal X-rays can show disk disease. Arthritis. Osteoarthritis can affect the lower back along with other joints in the body. If you have arthritis in the spine it can lead to a narrowing of the space around the spinal cord. This condition is called spinal stenosis. Osteoporosis. This condition affects the elderly and those deficient in calcium. The vertebrae become porous and brittle which can lead to breaks and fractures of the spine. Ankylosing spondylitis, also called axial spondylarthritis. This inflammatory disease causes a decrease in the flexibility of the spine by allowing some of the vertebra to fuse together. This places excess pressure on the spinal nerves which leads to pain and dysfunction. Understanding the different types of back pain Acute pain is typically pain that is brought on by trauma, injury, or surgery. Acute pain will usually go away once the cause is treated.  Chronic pain , in contrast, is pain that lasts longer than the normal recovery timeframe. This is usually associated with inflammatory processes, arthritis , fibromyalgia, etc.
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