Every wonder why the chiropractor tells you that it is important to keep getting adjusted after your intial treatment plan. Then search no further! The research and studies have been done. Simply click on the button below to learn the importance of Maintenance Care.
This is one of the most asked questions that a chiropractor gets. In this article it tells you what the research shows on how often you should see your chiropractor. Just simply click the button below to see what the current research is saying.
The internet is a wonderful tool when used properly but many times the information out there is simply not true. The same goes for YouTube and other social media platforms. If you the proven research on how safe is chiropractic care just click the button below and read the current research that explains how safe chiropractic care is.
Recent scientific studies are revealing a new understanding about how chiropractic spinal adjustments work. Today, over a hundred years on from the ‘first’ chiropractic adjustment, we know much more about how the brain and the rest of the central nervous system functions. And we are beginning to understand the big picture of how chiropractic adjustments really work.
If you have been adjusted before by a chiropractor you may have noticed a popping sound that may seem a little strange. Many people think all kinds of strange things about this popping sound, so what actually is it?
Golf can be a game of millimeters. Did you know that 75% of professional golfers receive regular chiropractic care to help them play at their peak potential?
How quickly do you react when someone pulls in front of you when you’re driving, or when a ball comes your way on the sporting field, or when you have a slip and need to catch yourself before you fall?
Please hover over the accreditation to find out more information
CCEP stands for “Certified Chiropractic Extremity Practitioner”, an advanced certification in extremity adjusting offered by the Council on Extremity Adjusting (CEA).
This Graston Technique certification trains doctors of chiropractic to use instruments to assist in soft tissue mobilization to eliminate pain and improve range of motion.
The Tonal Integrative Correction technique is a gentle, hands-on method of adjusting that can be used in elderly patients or in the most complicated cases including patients bound to wheelchairs or missing limbs.
This certification trains doctors of chiropractic in Kinesiology taping methods that can improve the movement and performance of patients. Tape application techniques are explored and practiced with an emphasis on taping fascial chains to improve movement and enhance function.
This Manipulative Therapy certification is a 54-hour course that allows doctors of chiropractic to perform dry needling for craniofacial, cervicothoracic, upper and lower extremities, and lumbopelvic areas of the body. This technique helps improve pain, range of motion, and the overall function of the body.
Our goal is to help you reach optimal health because we believe that everyone deserves to live life well-adjusted.
101 Azalea Court, Spartanburg, SC 29301